Who We Are
Family Promise is the nation's leader in serving children and families experiencing housing insecurity.
Ensuring family homelessness is brief and non-recurring .

Family Promise of Gallatin Valley is a non-profit organization working with our community to develop comprehensive, holistic solutions for families facing housing insecurity. We provide prevention services before families reach crisis, shelter and case management when they become homeless, and stabilization programs once they have secured housing to ensure they remain independent.
Family Promise of Gallatin Valley is an affiliate of the national Family Promise program based out of Summit, New Jersey. FPGV is over 80% successful in getting families into stable housing and effective employment.
Homelessness is a justice issue. Institutional racism is inextricably intertwined with the crisis of family homelessness. Black individuals represent 13% of the United States population but over 50% of the homelessness population. We cannot solve homelessness without solving racism.
Our Statement on Racism and Equality
It is impossible to separate systemic and structural racism from the reality that people of color, and Black people in particular, are disproportionately affected by homelessness and poverty. Family Promise is committed to being an anti-racist organization. We will educate and engage ourselves, our stakeholders, and the community to work towards overcoming racism, so that race no longer defines who has housing.
Our Statement on Equality and Non-Discrimination
Family Promise serves families of all compositions. We welcome everyone in the community to be part of the solution to empower families experiencing homelessness and ultimately retain and regain the safety, security, and opportunity that comes with having a home.